Avenues SLS has provided mentoring and assistance to agencies who wish to know more about Supported Living Services and individualized, person-centered day supports. Avenues continues to strive to be a leader in the field through providing best practices in inclusive, person-centered services for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities in their homes and their communities.
Avenues SLS offers consulting and presentation from self-advocates and service providers in the following areas:
- Supported Living Services
- Converting from site-based to community based and person-centered services
- Transition and person centered planning
- Positive Behavior Support through the lifespan; in the community, on the job, and at home
- Aging with dignity (planning ahead)
We have provided some links to some of the presentations that we have conducted in the Resources section.
Please contact Avenues SLS for more information as to how Avenues SLS and the people we represent can assist you with training and consulting related to any of the areas listed above.

Avenues SLS Conference Presentations/Workshops
A partial list
TASH Conference December, 2016 (St. Louis): HCBS, Community Living & Day Services: How to do it
Cal-TASH Conference Irvine, CA, March 2015: “Building Success & Competence in Day Services – Past, Present & Future”;
“A home of my own: Don’t let behaviors get in the way”, Washington DC National
TASH Conference December 2014
December 2010 National TASH Conference in Denver, CO
& March 2011 Cal-TASH Conference “It’s Your Community, Get Involved!” facilitation of Panel Presentation of Self-Advocates with developmental disabilities;
“Employment and Job Accommodations for workers with Developmental Disabilities”, April 2010 North LA County Regional Center Legislative Breakfast; (Dan Heldoorn & Scott Shepard)
“Map It Out: Best Practices and Employment Methodologies in Transition Planning”, New Day Conference, 2/09;
“Building and Sustaining Social Relationships in our Communities – School through Adult Life”, 2007
Cal-TASH Summer Symposium; “Alternatives to Chemical Restraint”, 2007 Cal-TASH Conference;
“Positive Behavior Support Across the Lifespan: Case Study”, Association of Positive Behavior Support Conference, 4/06, Reno Nevada;
Reinventing Quality Conference, San Diego, CA, 2/06; “A New Day: Alternatives to Traditional Day Support”,
Association of Regional Center Agencies (ARCA), San Diego, CA 2/7-2/8/05; “Positive Behavior Support Across the Lifespan”
Santa Clarita Conference on Positive Behavior Support 5/04; “Positive Behavior Support in the Classroom”, Santa Clarita SELPA, 3/04;
“Quality and the future of Adult Services”, National ANCOR Conference, New Orleans, 3/04;
“The Three R’s of Supported Living: Relationships, Rights & Responsibilities”, presented at Supported Life 2002 Conference, Sacramento, CA;
“Supported Living: It’s not a model or a program; it’s your life!”, California TASH Conference, 3/01;
Cable TV interview: “Issues related to Community Living for persons with developmental disabilities” Long Beach, Disabled News & Views Program, 3/2000;
“Positive Behavior Support”, 2-day strand at 10/98 Supported Life Conference, Sacramento;
“Behavior Management: Winning isn’t everything”, Aviva Center14th Annual Conference on Critical Issues in Adolescence, 2/98;
“Career Planning & Positive Behavior Support Strategies for Persons with Autism”, (National Autism Symposium, 3/94 & 3/95; St. Louis, MO);
“Positive Behavior Support”/”Transition to Adult Services & Community Living Options”, Developmental Disabilities Board Area II, Redding CA, 4/95
“Positive Reinforcement: Why it’s not the only answer”, Seminar by the Bay, San Diego, 10/94 & 10/95.