Ilene Arenberg – Women’s History Month 2020

Ilene Arenberg – Women’s History Month 2020

Ilene was one of the performers in the televised Jay Nolan (JNCS) telethons which raised money to fund initial services for Jay Nolan in the early 1980s. She later became one of the starting participants in that agency’s residential Apartment Program in 1981. In...
Avenues SLS 2019 Year-End Giving

Avenues SLS 2019 Year-End Giving

Now more than ever, Avenues SLS needs to fill the gaps in funding that the state is not covering. With no rate increases from California since 2016, all of our state revenue goes towards wages for our instructional coaches. Your donation in any amount will help...
Cheryl Mayfield – Women’s History Month 2019

Cheryl Mayfield – Women’s History Month 2019

Cheryl Mayfield is one of the founding Board Members of Avenues SLS (since 1997), and lives in an accessible mobile home she purchased with the assistance of some housing grants.  Cheryl studied for her AA degree at LA Valley College & Mission College, wrote a...
Lori Shepard – Women’s History Month 2019

Lori Shepard – Women’s History Month 2019

    Lori Shepard was raised with an inclusive mindset.  The concept of segregation (for any reason) has never been a consideration. She attended public schools and saw peers separated from the mainstream, but, even at a young age, did not see the value in that...